Sports Betting United States

- Legalised Sports Betting with Operating Sportsbooks RETAIL ONLY. Legal sports betting in New Mexico began in August 2018. It was the sixth state in the United States to allow it. Legal sports bets can be placed at some casinos in the state but there is no legal online betting in New Mexico.
- Tags: sports betting, United States Expect the spread of sports betting across the U.S. To continue in 2021. Morgan Stanley Research believes as many as 12 states will get there, with much of it.
States can legalize sports betting if they choose after the US Supreme Court struck down the federal ban on single-game wagering in 2018. Interest in the legalization of sports betting was ramping up in the US in recent years, even prior to that decision. A United, United States? Given the hesitancy of some states – like Utah – to adopt the notion of sports betting, this is perhaps unlikely. But, the possibilities are now there for a theoretical 50-state, nationwide sports betting policy. We’re also not likely to have one autonomously ruled hub of gambling any time soon.
➝ ResearchInteractive Map: Sports Betting in the U.S.
AGA’s interactive sports betting map provides state-level detail on the types of wagering allowed, key regulatory details, legal retail sportsbooks and online/mobile, and more.
Sports betting activity
Live, Legal* (20 States + DC)
Legal - Not Yet Operational (5 States)
Active or Pre-Filed Legislation in 2021 (17 States)
Inactive sports betting
- No Legislation in 2021 (8 States)
- Dead Legislation in 2021 (0 States)
Best Online Sports Betting United States
Legal Landscape as of March 10, 2021
Sports Betting United States
“Live, Legal” denotes states where single-game sports betting is legally offered to consumers through retail and/or online sportsbooks. States classified as “Legal – Not Yet Operational” have authorized sports betting, but have yet to launch. “Active or Pre-Filed Legislation” denotes jurisdictions where bills to legalize single-game sports betting have been pre-filed/introduced in the state legislature or where a voter referendum is scheduled. Sports betting provisions, revenue, and location data are sourced from state regulatory agencies.
Sports betting activity
Live, Legal* (20 States + DC)
Legal - Not Yet Operational (5 States)
Active or Pre-Filed Legislation in 2021 (17 States)
Inactive sports betting
- No Legislation in 2021 (8 States)
- Dead Legislation in 2021 (0 States)
Legal Landscape as of March 10, 2021